
boiler-installationThe middle of winter is just about the worst time to go looking for a new heating system to install in your home. But, if itbs a choice between that and not having a heating system at all, most people are going to bite the proverbial bullet and find something to keep their home warm as quickly as possible. If you’d like an estimate on a new heating system in your area, send us a contact request and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Of course, you donbt just want to install any system that you can afford that happens to fit in the space provided for it. You want to find a system that meets your homebs individual needs. Have a look at a boiler system, how it works, and the advantages that it can provide you if you install one this winter.

Boiler Installation and Operation

Boilers are not forced air systems. Instead of using air handlers and ducts to distribute heat throughout the home, a boiler pumps hot water through a network of pipes installed in the subfloor of each room. As the water flows through the pipes, the heat radiates up through the floor and into the room. This method of heating is called radiant heating. Boilers can be gas powered, or electric.

Advantages of Using Boiler Systems

There is a myriad of different advantages to using a boiler system, some of which are only accessible to them. The first advantage you can expect to garner from installing a boiler is that of energy efficiency. Water is a better thermal medium than air is. That means that water can hold more thermal energy than air can, and it holds onto that energy for longer. A boiler will be able to heat a home with less energy spent overall than a forced air system.
Boilers also donbt have to contend with duct leaks, which may seem like a minor advantage. However, the US Department of Energy has estimated that the average forced air system loses up to 30% of its total output to duct leaks. So, you actually save quite a bit of money by using a boiler instead.
Boilers can improve your comfort levels by heating your home more evenly. When a forced air system heats a room, the warm air rises to the ceiling and sinks as it cools. This cycle can and does create hot and cold spots in rooms throughout the house. Radiant heating, on the other hand, transmits heat through solid objects. This keeps all of the heat the system generates near the floor of the room, where you can enjoy it.
Finally, a boiler system improves indoor air quality. This is because the system doesnbt circulate air through ducts, which are known to harbor all kinds of airborne contaminants. Not making use of a forced air heating system means you will be less likely to develop allergy issues, get sick, or otherwise have problems with your air quality during the heating season.

Comfort Central, Inc. installs boilers of all kinds in Asheville, NC. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our heating professionals.