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Ways a Malfunctioning Thermostat Can Affect Your AC
Ways a Malfunctioning Thermostat Can Affect Your AC Because the thermostat is a small object designed to look unobtrusive on the wall of a home,…
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What Air Conditioning Tonnage Means
We hope that your air conditioning system is working at peak performance, seeing how webre already deep into summer and dealing with warm to hot…
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Can Air Conditioning Be Added to My Older House?
Central air conditioning first entered homes in the 1920s. However, these were expensive luxury items that only the wealthiest could afford. It wasnbt until the…
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Why Does My AC Keep Tripping the Circuit Breaker?
Itbs the middle of a hot day, and suddenly the air conditioning system thatbs keeping your home cooled down and pleasant shuts off. You go…
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Plan Ahead for Parties When It Comes to Air Conditioning Comfort
Most of the time when youbre thinking about maintaining summer comfort inside your home, youbre consideringB your familybs comfort. The average household air conditioner is…
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The Air Conditioning System and the History of the South
If you live in the Southern United States, youbre accustomed to feeling of cool breezes blowing from an air conditioner. This is simply a basic…
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The Dangers of Low Refrigerant in an Air Conditioning System
People often misunderstand the role of refrigerant (a.k.a. bFreonb) in an air conditioner. Refrigerant is not a type of fuel: an AC doesnbt use up…
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Why Is My Air Conditioning System Becoming Inefficient?
As the season for air conditioning gets underway, make sure to take a close look at your electrical bills each month to see if the…
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Can a Ductless Mini Split Really Cool My Whole House?
Size can be deceiving, and when it comes to ductless cooling, it may appear, based on the size of the indoor blowers, that a ductless…
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Air Conditioning Guide: What Is a High Velocity Air Conditioner?
It wasnbt too long ago that homes without ductwork didnbt have any options for whole home cooling. But with the advent of better technologies and…
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How Air Conditioning Repair May Result from Poor Installation
The money you think youbll save with an inexperienced installerbor even trying to take on the work yourselfbwill vanish under a mound of repair bills…
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How Does a Geothermal System Cool Down a House?
Here in Arden, NC geothermal systems make an attractive alternative to more traditional forms of air conditioning, drawing upon the constant temperature of the earth…
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